Our commercial mattress cleaning service is a perfect fit for establishments that include hotels, B&B’s, boarding schools, care centres, and anywhere that has a large number of beds. Our specialised mattress cleaning equipment and machinery is some of the most powerful and effective found in Ireland. This enables us to provide a mattress cleaning service that can penetrate deep down into the fibres and remove a range of dirt, stains, and various other contaminants.
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Pet Safe
Child Friendly
Eco - Frendliy
Non- Toxic

We are Clean my mattress

100% local, 100% proud, and 100% Irish. 
We are a Dublin-based Matress cleaning company that provides some of the best Martress cleaning services in Ireland. Our hi-tech machinery and 100% eco-friendly solutions are built to tackle all mattress cleaning jobs without damaging the environment, your family or your pets. Our professionally trained and uniformed staff have years of experience in the industry and can give you back your good nights sleep.

The Benefits

The benefits of getting your establishment’s mattress cleaned by us include fast drying times, detergent free cleans, killing of bacteria and viruses, organically removing and killing dust mites, and hypoallergenic cleaning techniques that helps keep your customer’s allergies at bay. All of these benefits will help provide a clean and fresh sleeping environment for your clientele.


Being a business too, we understand the need to keep costs down. By using pH neutral, eco-friendly cleaning products (made from natural ingredients, such as plant-based extracts) we can help extend the life of your establishment’s mattresses – saving you from the costly expense of replacing them, especially for high-end luxury mattresses. Get in touch to find out more about our maintenance cleans where we setup a yearly schedule to help extend the life of your mattresses.

Excellence is our habit

Looking to Get your mattress cleaned?


What our clients say

Fantastic service!!! Would highly recommend. Utmost professionalism and attention to detail.
Very Pleased And Would Have No Problem Recommending Them And Have Done So On Several Occasions.
Top Class Cleaning Firm. Couldn’t Be More Helpful Or Professional. Availed Of Their Services Both In My Home And Workplace.
© 2025 Clean My Mattress
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